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"The People Who Are Like Me"

There are tons of people interested in photography and graphic design. At some level or another, I think anyone would consider himself or herself to enjoy photography. Some take pictures for Instagram, some mom’s take pictures of family vacations, some take pictures professionally of people, and others take pictures professionally of landscape. No matter what your level of photography is, or your intended use of a picture, everyone takes pictures with a purpose.

I would say that a majority of people take pictures using their phones to put on social media. Take Kendall Jenner's Instagram account for example. Kendall Jenner users her Instagram to market herself. The pictures she takes are often used to display her wealth, or to promote the business that sponsor her when she posts a picture and then tags the sponsor in the posts. Her Instagram is a good example of taking pictures for personal use.

The kind of pictures I am interested in taking and using to create unique graphics in photoshop are more like the pictures from these two Instagram accounts.

Both users are not necessarily industry professionals, but they use their pictures to engage the viewer, and encourage them to look at images and common everyday items from a different perspective.

These are the pictures I would take, and then alter using photoshop to create an even more engaging and question evoking image. It doesn’t take a professional to take a good picture, and it doesn’t take a nice camera to take a good pictures. All and image requires is creativity, and a point of view.

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